AGU 2020 Poster: Results from Virtual Hackathon for Co-development and Sharing of Authentic Learning

Presented: December 8, 2020

Authors: Emad H Habib1, Melissa Gallagher2, Jenny Byrd3, David G Tarboton4, Douglas Williams5, Daniel P Ames6 and Belize Arela Albin Lane4

(1) University of Louisiana at Lafayette, Civil Engineering, Lafayette, LA, United States, (2) University of Houston, College of Education, Houston, United States, (3) University of Louisiana at Lafayette, Lafayette, LA, United States, (4) Utah State University, Logan, UT, United States, (5) University of Louisiana Lafayette, Lafayette, United States, (6) Brigham Young University, Provo, UT, United States

At the AGU 2020 conference, members from our HydroLearn team presented a poster on the successful methods of the recent virtual hackathon HydroLearn hosted. The HydroLearn Hackathon was a two week session over the summer of 2020 that consisted of 30 instructors, from 28 universities, that came together to develop online learning modules for HydroLearn. After a multi-day training session on research based pedagogical practices, the instructors were broken into small groups of 2 or 3 to develop a learning module of joint interest. After the completion of each module, the module went through a rigorous review with a subject-matter expert, an education expert, and a design and technical expert. The Hackathon produced 17 new modules that you can find on our module page HERE!

The poster also covers how HydroLearn has reinforced the constructive alignment approach for their modules to achieve alignment between learning objectives, instructions, and assessment as well as the design process used for modules. The modules are intended to support the increased focus on online teaching, given the current COVID-19 situation, but should also serve the transition back to in-class learning by harnessing ongoing efforts to develop effective digital teaching resources. The overall goal for HydroLearn is to build a community of instructors that want to share and collaboratively develop learning content. We have over two dozen online learning modules that are extremely adaptable to fit the needs of the classroom.

Check out the AGU 2020 poster here!

If you want to be a part of the HydroLearn community, check out our webpage for our upcoming summer 2021 Hackathon! Requests for applications will be announced soon.